Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Midieval Times

Here is the deal folks. This last weekend was so incredibly boring for me that I will not bore you by talking about it. I was bogged down with paperwork all weekend. Not to worry though, after reading Frank's blog I got an idea on what to blog about: Medieval Times

Coincidentally, when I went to Medieval Times, my group was also in the Green Knight section. It really is the only knight that's worth his weight it gold. I went with a group of ten friends, two of them being Mike and Trevor, my best friends. We, of course, get rowdy about everything we do. This meant that the Green Knight was going to have the rowdiest cheering section all the land.

From the very beginning we went nuts cheering for our boy Green. He was kickin' every other knight's butt through the whole thing so we were just off yon hook. The events were awesome and very entertaining. We led the whole green section, not just our group of 10, in chants. These chants included:

"When I say green, you say knight. Green! Knight! Green! Knight!"

and the popular

"Green, Green he's our knight, if he don't win we'll start to fight!"
It was awesome...i don't think I've had that much fun acting like a teenager since...well...i was a teenager. Then it happened. Our Knight won the tournament and we blew up! We sent our group into a frenzy. This, however, was short lived. He was then betrayed by some tool-box and stabbed in the back. We were FURIOUS! We talked smack to the king on our way out because he was dissin our boy Green.

I definitely say you should go to medieval times once in your life...you will not regret it!

Well thats it for me! Hopefully next weekend will bring something more exciting!

1 comment:

  1. you just completely ruined medieval times for me. now i know what happens at the end and will never in my life experience the excitement. thank you. dick.
